always feels like I was a kid moments ago which is actually true. These
are the times I wish I had the non-existent time machine. I could turn
back the clocks of time and re-live my childish and teenage years which
sometimes seem as if they were much better and enjoyable.
is just in the recent past that I wished to get out of my parents home
and acquire my own pad. It seemed so cool back then. Now that I have it,
what have I gained, responsibility, bills, furious landlord at the end
of month and a stream of problems which don’t seem to cease. Not to be
forgotten is cooking and washing. As much as I have to do them, I never
have time for them and I am always running late. Picture this; I get in
to the pad at around eight in the evening [Monday to Thursday] I spent
time fiddling with the key board attacked by a massive writers block. I
also listen to rock in the mean time. Now that I don’t have a T.V I have
to content with that and hope my eyes never get bored of staring my old
refurbished laptop. The dreams of upgrading it have been so persistent
and for a long time that they are no longer dreams but nightmares. I
realize that I am hungry at 10: 30. The next 30 minutes are spent
figuring out what to cook and how to do it. When I finally figure out
what to cook, any self respecting neighbor is curled up nicely between
the sheets. Then the most scary part, cooking. Rather than go there
let’s just say I miss mum’s cooking. Period!
next nightmare goes by the nick name washing. It is a great thing but
only when done by another person, preferably a dry cleaner. It gives my
clothes a glossy look and a good scent. The down side is that I fear
doing it as much as I loathe a visit to the dentist. I only do it when I
realize failure to do it will make me walk naked. It is in this that I
give my heartfelt gratitude to Levi Strauss. He invented the piece of
clothing called jeans which when black in color cleans itself depending
on the amount of time you leave it untouched in a dirty pile.
Consequentially I have numerous black jeans; they also get better with
age like wine.
that I am responsible for myself (without forgetting to add prefix irr-
on the word) things have been falling apart at an appalling rate. Back
then I always dreamt of this freedom and now that I have it, it doesn’t
seem so cool. Talk of Murphy’s Law.
do not have to sneak out of the house and go clubbing, my legs do that
for me. Nobody will ask me the time I leave or arrive at my humble
abode. I am out night running every weekend which is a disastrous
activity for my wallet. Of late brokenness and my name have become
synonymous, many a times they appear in the same sentence and it is not
cool. I attribute all this to clubbing.
no longer block my path at the entrance, a few months back it seemed as
if something was amiss if they did not. Now I wish they continue
blocking me and asking me for a bribe. If they do that, it is pretty
much easy to turn back and go to the house while blaming them for peeing
on my drink.
running is also not healthy and any clinical quark worth the name will
tell you so. Beer has ten reasons why it is better than milk but milk
has more than hundred reasons why it is better than beer. The down side
is that nobody will bother to know why milk is better than beer. I
overheard interesting facts from the morning radio which subscribes to
the two main Kenyan languages, vulgarity and sexism. Apparently married
women who worship the devils bottle have a higher chance of having a
divorce than men. I have included this on my list of why beer is better
than milk to men. Drink milk from mpango wa kando, if you are a man, risk a divorce. Drink beer, save your marriage. Aging includes marriage and am not eons from there.
......... I DO NOT DRINK,JUST CREATIVITY...........
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